9:00 - 9:15 OPENING NOTE :

9:00 - 9:15


Message from Charlie McCreevy - European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services, EUROPEAN COMMISSION (video)

9:15 - 10:05

Panel 1: 
Overview - The Restructuring & Turnaround Market

 Assessing the earliest signals of distress
 Underperformance of listed companies
 Lessons learned from the current market and recent restructurings
 The lack of vision hinders the growth of the restructuring business / Starting Blocks  position  for Restructuring Funds   
 Opportunities for restructuring in a distressed market
 Right timing: Tackling the Consolidation Solution 
 Legal Frameworks for Cross-Border Restructurings

Karim Saddi – Managing Director, TowerBrook Capital Partners

Mathieu Guillemin - Managing Director, Oaktree Capital

Olivier Marion – Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Marc Santoni  Partner, SCP Santoni & Associes 

David Chijner – Partner, Fried Frank 
10:05 - 10:55

Panel 2: Turnaround, Crisis Management & Corporate Re-Engineering

 The necessary checklist in managing troubled LBOs  
 Restructuring distressed LBOs: Using  Equity Cure, Headrooms and Other Lending  Provisions
 Timing consideration for financial engineering
 Alternative path: debt to equity swap
 Are third party corporate-specialized investors a solution?
 Mid-Market Restructurings: What Happens if No One Comes to the Sale?
 Pre-transaction restructuring 


Henry Jackson - Managing Partner & Chief Executive Officer, Merchant Equity Partners




Frederic Beauvais - Managing Partner, Phora Capital 

Stefaan Vansteenkiste – Managing Director, Alvarez & Marsal 

Henri Calef - Partner, Mazars 

Gabriel Hui - Project Manager, Leaders League

10:55 - 11:15  Networking Break
11:15 - 12:05

Panel 3:
Avoiding Bankruptcy

 A Government driven solution?
 Debt renegotiation
 The Government driven solutions : Case studies
 What is the breed of the companies that survive?
 Choosing the right judicial procedure
 A consumers less recovery ?!
 The Life of a Turnaround: Driving the Restructuring Process
 Out-of-court restructuring
 Is the default part of the economy still at the early stages ?
 Worth more dead than alive ?  

Thierry Fournier - Chief Executive Officer, Outiror

Jean-Louis Detry - 
Chief Executive Officer, Vermeer Capital

Pascal Bonnet – Partner, KPMG

Chani Guillard - Journalist, Magazine Decideurs
12:05 - 13:45    Networking Lunch 


Jean-Paul Gauzès -  Rapporteur for the European Commission for Private Equity Firms and Member of the European Parliament (video)
13:45 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:50

Panel 4: Debt to Equity Swap: the Age of Maturity

 The distressed debt market: current climate and new opportunities

 How to identify the most promising distressed plays: the most popular sectors for  distressed investments

 Distressed debt funds in 2010 and beyond: a booming market for how long?


Alain Dib – Head of Restructuring, BNP PARIBAS

Fabien Castello – Managing Partner, Platina Partners

David Chijner – Partner, Fried Frank 

Gabriel Hui - Project Manager, Leaders League

14:50 - 15:40

Panel 5:
Managing Troubled LBOs

 Restructuring a jumbo-large LBOs VS midmarket LBOs: different approaches? 
 Dropping the lukewarm attitude: decisive hands on 
 Managing the fiscal element in the LBO debt renegotiation
 Distressed Private Equity Investing
 Aligning Executive Teams With Turnaround Professionals
 The role of high yield in LBO’s going forward

Nathaniel Meyohas - Partner, Sun European Partners


Eduardo J. Fernandez - Partner, Willkie Farr & Gallagher


Maurice Lantourne - Partner, Willkie Farr & Gallagher


Vincent Danjoux - General Partner, Rothschild

Gabriel Hui - 
Project Manager, Leaders League

15:40 - 15:55 Networking Break 
15:55 - 16:45

Panel 6: Financial Engineering: the Pre-Pack

 Timing Consideration for Financial Engineering
 Pre packs: why and how to ?
 Beyond financial engineering : Alignment of Interests, Collaborating With Portfolio  Company Management
 Current best practices
 Pre Packing LBOs – how to be on the winning side

Régis Valliot - Administrateur Judiciaire, Meille & Valliot 

Nicolas Laurent -
Partner, Bredin Prat

Raphaele Courtier - Partner, Bredin Prat

Karim Saddi - Managing Director, TowerBrook Capital Partners 

Chani Guillard - Journalist, Magazine Decideurs


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